
Through a collaborative agreement with, and funding from, the US-based Alzheimer's Association, a subset (those subjects with PET and MR imaging) of the AIBL data set is available through the same technical infrastructure as the US-based Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI). This is referred to as AIBL (Australian ADNI). Effectively, this adds directly to the ADNI cohort enhancing its scientific value.

Although AIBL and ADNI have many of the same goals, there are differences between the two projects. In the pages that describe AIBL data, any differences that must be noted by the consumer of the data are documented.

The baseline, 18 and 36-month data are now released.

Data Access Process

The AIBL data are available only to authorised users. The process to obtain access is integrated with procedures used to access ADNI data and makes use of LONI (Laboratory of Neuroimaging, USC) infrastructure. The following process should be followed to gain access to AIBL data:

  1. Request access to the AIBL project via the following online form: https://ida.loni.usc.edu/collaboration/access/appApply.jsp?project=AIBL. You will need to agree with the AIBL project's terms of use (read this carefully) and then describe your research and collaborators.
  2. If you wish to apply for AIBL and ADNI data together, then use the form https://ida.loni.usc.edu/collaboration/access/appApply.jsp?project=AIBL&project=ADNI. You will need to agree with both the AIBL and ADNI projects' terms of use.